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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 24, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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to stories making news in the week ahead. another potential legal hurdle for amanda knox. the seattle college student who spent four years in an italian jail for the killing of her roommate. her murder conviction was overturned last year. on monday italy's supreme court could rule on the prosecution's appeal of knox's acquittal. also monday, the mediterranean country of cypress face as deadline to avoid a banking collapse that could impact other world economies. right now the european union chief is trying to get a last-minute deal together. on tuesday and wednesday the u.s. supreme court will hold hearings on same-sex marriage challenges. proposition 8 and the defense of marriage act. people are already camping out mere the supreme court in washington to get in to the hearings. on thursday, we will find out which cars get a world car award. winner in power categories announced at the new york international auto show. shout-outs go to best
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all-around, best performance, green cars, and best design. that's going to do it for me. see you throughout the week p much more straight ahead with don lemon. no golf for you. i want to you take a look at this. this is a pga course in orlando where tiger woods was leading before mother nature put the smackdown on it. the weather is severe in many parts of the country today. ridiculous storms here. blizzard there. live from snowy dayton, ohio in just a moment. speaking of tiger, if he wins tomorrow, he will be the new number one golfer in the world. he hasn't held that spot in more than two years going back to when his game and his personal life fell apart in scandal. he has since gotten divorced, spent time in therapy, rebuilt his golf swing. the bodies of would sky divers
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ed found in florida have been identified. the instructor and student were part of a group from iceland. the two men never returned after their third jump yesterday. officers found their bodies in a wooded area. the sky dive company manager says that the chutes have automatic deployment devices. john kerry had strong words for iraq's prime minister. do something to stop the flight of iranian weapons to syria. his visit to baghdad comes amid growing concern over iraq's role in the syrian conflict. iraqi officials deny allowing the transfer of weapons through iraqi air space to president al assad's regime. if you haven't heard the news yet, the winning powerball ticket for $338 million was sold in new jersey. sadly not here in atlanta. the winning numbers are 17, 29, 31, 52, 53. p powerball number is 31. the largest powerball jackpot in history was back in november. it was worth close to $588
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million. it is officially spring. may favorite season. birds, flowers, and great outdoors finally shakes off its winter coat. let me show you some glorious pring d spring days around the country just today. isn't that beautiful? kansas city, missouri. didn't get the memo that spring officially arrived four days ago. three to nine inches of snow. knocked out power to 5,000 homes today. atlanta, powerful thunderstorms. all night long. pushed over huge trees on to houses and cars. fell much colder than normal. water is rising all over the atlanta area. flood warnings in some places. and this is colorado. all around denver today. single digit temperatures and snow that shut down parts of both main interstates in colorado. will somebody please spread the word that it is almost april? punxsutawney phil, what happened to that prediction, sir? let's go live now to dayton,
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ohio. bundled up with her big gloves and cnn gloves on. susan, it is freezing in dayton. >> reporter: they are ready for it here but it has not happened yet. we had a few flurries earlier in the day. but that is what the forecast has been. we have only been expecting maybe one to three inches during the daytime hours. and we didn't even get that. you can still see the grass. because it is just over freezing, a little bit of snow we had earlier in the day, just didn't stick. traffic is flowing. we see the highway, interstate, i-75. you got the cars and trucks going. no problem yet. but we are seeing a lot of plows going back and forth so that they know that snow is coming. radar shows it and it is a few hours away but it is going to come late tonight. this is the university of dayton arena and it was packed with cars and peeled out of here. less than an hour ago. after the second of two big gains. we talked to the people as they
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were leaving and they know that snow is coming. listen. >> i want to take our time and go slow and go on espn and listen to the other games going on. >> hopefully it stays like this. by the time we get to columbus we skroen to drive in it. if you are driving drive safely and hope no one gets stuck in it. >> reporter: fortunately, that pan is not driving. at least not with that contraption on his head. in any case, seriously, they are expecting overnight hours anywhere from 5 to 8 inches of snow p possibly a little bit more than that in the northern sections of ohio. just north of dayton, columbus, that kind of thing. for now, especially for the fans, that live in the columbus area, here in dayton, indiana, they are trying to hightail it out of town in advance of that snowstorm. don? >> that's what i was going to ask you. lots of people are in dayton for the ncaa basketball tournament. you heard the guy say i'm going to go watch it on espn. anybody worried about the drive home? getting out before this is going to sit will and watch the became
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and not worry about it? >> reporter: they are okay. the games are over with for the night here. they wrapped up about an hour ago. they are okay. that's why everyone is back home now or heading home in advance of the storm. some of those people going back to indianapolis where they already have the snow coming down. but as for the rest of us, we just wrapped up the temple university game, philadelphia, so -- those folks, more than likely may be spending the night. may have some delays getting out tomorrow. if that snow develops. as they expect it will overnight. >> done deal will. other games going on. thanks, susan. appreciate it. bundle up and stay warm. check in with our meteorologist. he has a bigger picture for us where springtime snow is piling up tonight. tom? >> good evening, don. many are wondering, are we really in the third week of march? or is this the 52nd day of february? snow is month stranger in march. of course, parts of colorado, you a roar a 14.2. just under a foot in denver. here we go again. parts of kansas, nebraska,
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getting another dose of snow. missouri, kansas city, st. louis. let's take a look at our area of low pressure, rain from lexington, kentucky to nashville, paducah. all the way down south where we had rail report and wind damage, mississippi, alabama, central florida. it is overnight tonight where we are going to see the area of low kick in. then it will transfer its energy, here we go to a coastal area of low pressure. the good news is the models want to kick this area of low pressure on the coast away from the coast. it is still going to cause wind problems. as far as the amounts of sfloeshgs could be a good dose of snowfall in parts of central madonna and areas of ohio. but the heaviest amount will be in the you about ridge. western maryland where elevations above 1,500 feet could see 6 to 12. now, remember, outside of the d.c. area, mainly to the west, thousands that live there and have to commute to d.c. may only be putting up with a slushy morning commute. one to two. as we watch the accumulations
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take place in the next 12 to 24 hours, here is your 6 to 10 bull's eye. parts of illinois, into indiana. higher terrain is expected. will is an advisory in new york city. keep that in mind as well. could see a slushy morning commute with maybe an inch and a half. >> tom, thank you very much. appreciate it. public memorial service for tom clemens is set for tomorrow. he was laid to rest today in a private funeral. he was shot to death in his driveway tuesday. the suspect, a white supremacist killed thursday in a shoot-out in texas. the motive, unclear. your television may soon be flooded with ads linked to the gun debate. the new york mayor bloomberg's anti-gun violence group slaun muching a $12 million ad by to push for mandatory background checks for gun sales. ads will start airing tuesday in 13 states. why is the -- why is the mayor flooding the airwaves this week with this in particular, this
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week in particular, and who is he trying to reach? >> reporter: hi. the idea is to reach senators who are at home for a would-week spring break. spring recess for easter, for passover. off for would weeks. idea is to reach them there in their -- in their states, i should say. let's listen to how mayor bloomberg explains what they are trying to do. >> we are running ads around the country. we have people manning phone banks and calling. we are trying to do everything we can to -- impress upon the senators that this is what the survivors want. this is what the public wants. this is what the 900-plus mayors in our organization want. >> and so the idea that -- focused on the 13 states, believe that these senators, particular senators, could be influential when the senate comes back here to washington to this aid. gun measure that includes not only standard background checks but school safety. >> how is the nra responding to
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the push? >> nra has been running their own ad campaign on television and online. they say that more ads will be coming. they won't say exactly when. but they also believe that this idea of extended background check will not help. let's hear what what wayne lapierre had to say about that this morning? >> the universal check is a dishonest premise. there is not a bill the hill that provides a universal check. criminals aren't going to be checked. her not going to do this. shooters in tau son, aurora, newtown, they are not going to be checked. >> reporter: so -- another concern of the nra is that this -- expanded background check is just one step towards a kind of universal gun rej instrument which a lot of -- gun owners are worried about. so they are stress hag in some of their ads as well. >> athena jones in washington. thank you. the u.s. supreme court prepares on weigh in on the same-sex marriage debate, this is what is going on in france.
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a rally against gay marriage gets violent. atient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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[ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years.
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gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. [ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. hundreds of thousands of people clashed at an anti-gay marriage protest in france. protesters are against the proposed law allowing same-sex couples to marry. lawmakers approved marriage for
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everyone last month. up for a vote in the senate come april. the debate over same-sex marriage takes center stage at that time supreme court this week. the court will take up its first case on tuesday. it involves california's proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage. the second case involves the defense of marriage act known as doma. that law defines marriage as between a man and a woman. right now people are lining up outside of the supreme court trying to get front-row seats to history. will the supreme court say i do to same-sex marriage or decide to punt? key players made their arguments today on cnn's "state of the union." >> we immediate to keep the debate live. americans on both sides of the issue are deeply invested on this debate of marriage and don't need a 50-state solution presented by the supreme court when our democratic institutions are perfectly capable of handling the issue. that's what the court will december glide the united states supreme court since the 1880s has 14 times described marriage
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as a fundmental right. when we are talking about this issue going before the court, we are talking about fundamental notions of people, justice, and liberty. >> >> supreme court's ruling may not come until june but the justices question during argument this week may reveal how they are leaning. bring in now our political panel. l.z. granderson joins us. strategist anna navarro joins from us miami. look at miami. are you kidding us? >> don't hate me. >> we are all jealous. let's start with l.z. how do you think the supreme court will rule? a decision that affects 50 states or just california. >> you know, i -- i'm really am undecided. i'm not really sure where it will lie. certainly i think that just -- in california, the easier route,
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probably the sensible route. when you talk about addressing the entire nation, you talk about imposing something from the en -- on the entire nation. it can go either way. many of us did not think justice rob woerts come out and find a way to support the health care reform. certainly it is very difficult at this point to look at the scenario place in front of us and try to decide where the supreme court is going to lie. i will say this, though. that if any of the justices are concerned about their legacy and being on the right side of history, that could become a factor into how they decide to vote because they all see the tide as turned. what you don't want is for your name to be next to bigotry. what you don't want is your name to be on the wrong side of history. that may influence other conversations among the justices as well. >> listen, we are talking about the law here. and the justices don't vote on public opinion. they vote on the constitution and what they think is legal and lawful. >> that's right. they vote on the constitution
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and pamela harris was correct today when he said the -- court has decided on marriage 14 times and founded to be a fundamental write of americans. now, also, regardless of what the court decides and i agree with lz, it is very hard to predict the court, surprised news the past. regardless of what the supreme court may decide, this issue is not going away. adam and steve are not going to not be married because the supreme court says -- goes against it. there -- going to be children that are children of gay couples that are still going to exist. who are still going to have the practical issue to deal with. are we going to tell those children that their family is deserving of less recognition or come from a dysfunction am family? are we going to tell that couple that they have less of a right to love each other? so this issue is not going away. we have to remember let's put a maim and face to this. the case that is going in front
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of the supreme court is edith, 83 years old. spent 40 years with her partner thea. if thea -- edith windsor would not have paid the $600,000 in estate taxes she had to pay when her partner died. that's what we are talking about. that's the kind of equality. regardless of what the court decides, edith and dhea are still going to love each other and still going to be a couple. >> the thing is thatied itds and thea don't want to separate but equal treatment under the law when it comes to civil universityions or marriage. that's what this whole thing about. >> it is not separate and equal. that's the whole conversation. it is not. more than 1,000 laws that are separating, you know, same-sex couples and heterosexual couples that are in the same comparable relationship. more than 1,000 laws. essentially i pay more taxes for no other reason than sexual orientation. no other reason than how i was born. not separate but equal. separate and unequal. >> i want to play this because i
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know that you want to address this. we had an e-mail exchange. i did get it in the show just for you. ralph reid making controversial remarks on today's "meet the press." >> what i said was the verdict of social science is overwhelming and irrefutable. that is without regard to straight or gay. in other words, this -- applies to one parent households and it applies to foster homes. it applies to the whole plate. they looked at them all. that the enduring a, loving,ing in tact, biological mother and father is -- for children and not a close call. and the only issue before the court is there a social good to that and does the government have a legitimate interest in protecting and strengthening? that's the issue. >> i was talking to the television and kept saying not true. as he was saying that. not true, not true. if you look at the studies. studies show the exact opposite of what ralph reid was saying.
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what do you say that? >> you know, i have no issue with ralph reed. i have to tell you i found that is painful. it pained me he was saying those things while sitting next to our cnn colleague, hillary rosen, who is a gay mother devoted to her two children. i don't think any of us can lay judgment on the type of mother little hillary rosen or any the other parents are. we have to understand as society, that sexuality, is not equivalent to morality. and there can be bad parents that are heterosexual. there can be bad parents homosexual. that's not because of sexuality. it is because they are a good parent or bad parent. and i think that it is cruel to tell a child of a loving gay couple that they are less functional and less normal and that their parents less fit to be parents. let's pace it. the cleavers are the minority in the united states right now. there are so many homes of
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divorced parents, single parents, and gay parents. you know. who are we to stand in judgment on these parents? the only difference, don, between a gay couple and a heterosexual couple is that a gay couple cannot have accidental procreation. that means when you are gay and want a baby, you really want to have that baby. >> figure out how to have that baby. >> lot of work and a lot of expense. >> we are running out of time. >> type of people that stand on judge and jury. >> lz, during the break, we were asking are you available next week during easter to come on the show. no, i'm going -- it is my son's spring break. you are a gay dad. we will be in london. you are taking your family out of the country to enjoy easter. i would love to have a dad that took me to london for spring break. gay or straight. >> i just -- i just wanted to, you know, add support on a point. you know, i was in a point of my career i could live anywhere in the country. i was a senior writer at espn.
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we have bureaus all over the great nation. i opted to come back to grand rapids, michigan, for one reason only. my son and ex-wife were here. i left new york. i left manhattan because i didn't want to be a part-time father. i didn't want to be a summer-time dad. i wanted to be a full-time father. today i have sole custodial custody of my son. his mother has been outside of the country and he depends on me every single day to do right for him. as far as i'm concerned, i don't need ralph reed to tell me whether i'm a good father. last night we sat on the couch and watched "life of pi" together. my family. that's all the verification i need about love and definition of family. ralph reed can just go fly a kite. >> i'm glad didn't say the other thing. i knew what was coming. >> i'm trying to keep my job. >> if i don't see you both, happy easter. coming up, believe it or not, there is a relatively simple explanation for a car
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that wound up on the roof of a house in california. we will explain next. >> they are first and foremost people. so wherever she goes, they follow. at the same time, yes. as she is traveling through many different lands there are other languages she comes across. >> we have other languages coming up on the show that need to be invented. we are hoping david will do those for us as well. >> i would like to keep creating for languages. that's the dream of everybody to sit down and create a language. if you're looking to go to school, you deserve more than just flexibility and convenience. so here's a few reasons to choose university of phoenix. our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school.
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our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experiene. we'll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team, is always undefeated. and leading companies are interested in our graduates. we'll even help you decorate your new office. ok. let's get to work. try align. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align.
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imagine trying to explain this one to your insurance agent. how your car ended up on a roof. this accident happened in glenn dale, california. the couple driving the black cadillac missed a turn on a steep hill, careened through a yard and went airborne and landed on the roof of this house. no one was hurt. the couple climbed down when a neighbor brought a ladder. wow. if you are not guilty of texting and driving you know someone that does. more than one-third of drivers admit to and it it is even worse for teens. now a young race car driver is on a mission to change those stats. he is getting behind the wheel to get his message to the masses. victor blackwell reports. >> all right drivers. come get in line over here, please! >> reporter: race car drivers on a racetrack. no big surprise. when might surprise you is that
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the favorite to win this race is just 17 years old. >> half the field on this side and half the field on this side. >> reporter: tristan from boca raton, florida. he started racing go-carts at 13 and then graduated to this at 15. before he was licensed to drive through his neighborhood. >> my mom and may self actually -- racing with professional drivers rather than driving on the regular roads people that had no idea what they were doing. >> reporter: he revs up to about 150 miles per hour around the stretch. at that speed there can be any little distraction can be an injury or death. >> fatal. >> reporter: actually, that can happen at any speed. before the start of the 2012 racing season, a little distraction off the track nearly created a major problem. >> i was with my mom in the car and almost got in an accident because she was facebooking, e-mailing or something. >> almost rear ended somebody.
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that's when it hit us. he is like mom, put the phone down. >> reporter: tristan and his mom, diane nunez had an idea. to inspire other people, especially young people to put the phone down. by branding his car the don't text and drive car. >> we put it all over the car. put it on his suit and then put it on the website and it took off. >> when they raise up there, the phone. >> they site. exactly. i mean -- it serves as constant reminder not do it. >> reporter: hundreds of teens pledged not to text and drive. even signed tristan's car as part of a pledge. >> it is distracting. you get caught up in another world. completely separate from what you are trying to do. >> not a lot of teenage race car drivers out. >> i know we are not going to stop it. but at least it is going to bring more awareness to people.
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>> reporter: tristan was a big win other this day at road atlanta. and he tells teens to look up to him. the key to his success on the track is the same key to being safe on the roads. >> have 100% focus. up can't lose your focus for any reason at all. >> reporter: mazda is also working with a project called yellow light. it grants scholarships to teen agers who produce the best 60-second public service announcement against distracted driving. go to for details. don? >> all right. thank you very much. coming up here on teef after pleading russia because of a dispute with the country's president, a business tycoon is found dead. the case has police misystifiem.
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all right, give me a spot. you know my motto: safety first. they could be dangerous. i think we should call animal control. animal control? psh. to be safe... don't worry.
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i got this. it's a new motto. announcer: you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. there are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection, they need you. when you think of fashion designer, names like armani and calvin klein come to mind. there may soon be a new name added to that list. i caught up with the emerging designer whose passion forgets somewhat of a higher calling. this is where the magic happens? atlanta based fashion designer remember it is exact moment he realized he wanted to be a passion designer. >> i turned on the tv. a mice suit. walking in front of the camera, posed. then walked right off. i was like what was that? >> reporter: english fashion
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designer, the first black tailor. >> as soon as say him, it was like this is the answer to everything i want in life. >> reporter: at the time poku, who came to the united states from ghana with his family in 2000, was in school studying to be an electrical engineer. a career his parents hand picked for him. his experience with a sewing machine was limited to watching his mother so african clothes and tailoring clothes to fit his 29-inch waist. making a living creating clothes is something poku never considered possible until watching oswald. he skipped first class that day to immediately get started on a career in fashion. >> i grabbed my best sheets and cut my first pants. that was it. >> reporter: poku dropped out of college. much to his parents' chagrin and
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immediately started looking for an apprenticeship and never found the right one. like a mechanic who deacon instructs engines, poku taught himself. >> i started by taking it apart and learning the construction and then trial and error. >> reporter: it wasn't until later he realized he had quite a lot in common with demand in the orange suit. the one who allowed him to think a career in fashion boos. >> everything was like he -- he was in school and just -- self-taught. i feel like -- >> reporter: poku never wanted to just be a tailor. it is that attention to detail and fit that helped him win the designer award and win both the people's choice and emerging designer awards at charleston's fashion week. accolades he says reaffirm it is decisions he made to follow his own dream. regardless of where it leads. >> this is my way of life. this is my calling.
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i was put on earth to do this. >> reporter: congratulations to him. remember that name. afriyie poku. under the living tab on coming up here on cnn, after fleeing russia because of a dispute with the country's president, a business tycoon is found dead. the case has police mystified. before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe,
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let's look at your headlines now on cnn. soil smuggled out of syria is now being tested for nerve gas. the rebel forces each blamed each other for shooting off deadly missiles suspected of carrying chemical weapons. the syrian government has sent off samples of blood and soil to a u.n. team along with rocket debris. secretary of state john kerry has strong words for iraq's prime minister.
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do something to stop the flights of iranian weapons to syria. the visit to bag dad comes amid growing concern over iraq's role in the syrian conflict. iraqi officials deny allowing the transfer of weapons through iraqi air space to president al assad's regime. in england police say a full inquiry is underway into the mysterious death of the russian boris berezovsky. outspoken critic of putin calling for his overthrow. berezovsky was found dead in his mansion near london where he lived in exile. he was a target of an assassination attempt in russia in 1994. he was found wounded and his driver killed when a car bomb exploded. hundreds turned out at the karachi airport to welcome home former pakistani president pervez musharraf. musharraf fled the country as a
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dictator. but after four years of self-imposed exile he arrives back in pakistan today. he said he came back to save his country. and plan to run for office again. >> where are those people now that said i would not come? i will get scared? i am not afraid. where is pakistan i left five years ago? gone. my heart cries tears of blood when i see the state of the country today. >> nic robertson is our international correspondent. militants vowed to kill him and he faces a possibility of arrest. why, what is he accused of? >> reporter: well, it is quite a long list of. in 2011 he was charged with being responsible in part for the death of the country's first prime minister, killed in an assassination. gun and bomb attack in 2007. but as well as accused of --
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covering up the killing of an for tribal leader in the country. of detaining political opponents, torture, of opponents, and -- as well as trying to sort of -- railroad the judiciary in the country out of office as well. essentially putting under house detenti detention. quite a list of crimes. that his party -- his party's leaders here have sort of headed off some of those charges at the moment. at least getting a delay on his bail appearances. >> now that he's back, what is the feeling among civilian popflation pakistan, nic? >> reporter: you know, i think that was -- that story was really told today when he got off the plane at the airport. he said he was coming back and expecting maybe hundreds of thousands of people. that's what his supporters really sort of forecast. there was about a thousand or so people then. i think that speaks for itself. people her not energized. excuse me. not energized by his return.
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and perhaps that's going to dampen his expectations what he will achieve politically, elections coming up in may and he thinks he can do well in those elections. the turnout today, people not that interested, it seems, don. >> not that interested so it -- even if he comes back to the country and hugely unpopular, chances are he would not win. >> reporter: no. the chances are he wouldn't win. look, when he -- by the time he left the country the population had turned against him. there have been hard economic times and there are some people that look back to the days when he was on power and see the country being better and that's one of the things he comment order when he came back. the country is economically more immover i shalled. i don't think anyone holds out the hope she the man that will fix it. he discredited the army and now has the threat, death threat, hanging over his head from the taliban. how will he get out on the streets and effectively campaign under those circumstances? >> nic robertson, thanks very much for that. coming up --
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>> i pronounce you legally married. >> is america going gay? on the path towards gay marriage. the supreme court is about to weigh in. so goes court. so goes the entire country. this is america. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. to get our adt security system. and one really big reason --
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and then later on marks the beginning of passover. on thursday, he welcomes african leaders from sierra leone, senegal and heads down to maim on friday for a speech on the economy. >> i'm poppy harlow in new york. we will get the final measure of fourth-quarter gdp, broadest measure of economic growth. we will get the latest consumer confidence reading. that is key because confidence is a big part of how much all of us are willing to spend. on the housing front we will get the march new homes sales report. we will also get a look at the case-schiller home price index. u.s. markets are closed on friday in observance of good provide. we will keep an eye on all of that in the business week ahead for you. >> i'm a.j. hammer. here is what we are watching this week. justin bieber's mom joins us. we will find out the real deal about bieber's recent pickups on tour and his paparazzi battle. emily torres will join us.
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she is paying it forward with a gift of her own. >> busy week ahead. including this. should same-sex marriage be a constitutional right? the supreme court will tackle the issue this week. folks are gathering in washington to witness history. one same-sex couple in the d.c. area is paying close attention. joe johns has their story. >> reporter: the battle over same-sex marriage in california has been going on for years. and coming up this week, finally arrived at the u.s. supreme court. we talked to one of the couples involved in the case who win or lose have already assured themselves as small place in history with their legal challenge. jahmal thomas and koreco and co been together for four years. their lives are not all satin
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and pearls. >> i'm an airman in the united states air force reserve. and -- >> i'm a police officer with the metropolitan police department in d.c. >> reporter: which makes this couple case study on how america's married but unequal approach to same-sex relationships can play out. >> as an airman, it is -- you get a constant reminder that, you know, you are second class. >> reporter: jammal is a federal employee but the federal defense of marriage act bars recognition of same-sex marriage by the government which affects more than 1,000 federal benefits for spouses. everything from piling taxes and receiving death been pits to who gets called as next of kin. >> i had to list her as my sister just so that someone would call her in the event that, you know, i'm killed or missing in action. or hurt on the job. she can't be my emergency contact. she can't receive my remains. >> reporter: corinne as a district of columbia employee gets the benefits of being married because the local government is the nation's
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capital recognizes same-sex marriage. but only nine states in the district of columbia have taken that step. so corinne loses status as a spouse just by crossing the potomac river into virginia. >> why do we have to be married locally but federally, it is -- nothing. we are friends. arranged symbolically. it is ridiculous. >> what the bill does. >> reporter: now the defense of marriage act, known as doma, first passed by congress and signed by president clinton in 1996, is being challenged at the supreme court. >> whether or not congress can pass a law that treats same-sex couples who are already married under the laws of their state different from opposite sex couples. >> reporter: congress has as much right as the state to make et cetera own definition of marriage. >> it is for because congress said it was for. i mean, we sent our elected representatives to washington,
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d.c., and they chose to say marriage is one man and one woman for purposes of federal law. >> reporter: conservatives say that the founding fathers never contemplated gay marriage. >> because it is clearly not what anyone understood marriage at the time of the framing of the constitution. >> reporter: still same-sex families pay taxes and don't get the same benefit. and the issue with doma gets complicated if they have children who are also excluded from benefits. >> when we -- we have kids, i would like them to be born in a post-doma united states. >> reporter: california is one of only a handful of states that gives most of the benefits of marriage to same-sex couples in domestic partnerships. one question is whether any ruling by the court on california could affect all of those other states in the same way. >> all right. thank you very much for that, joe. coming up next hour, i will talk to two op-ed writers. tiger woods on the road to
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redemption. he win this week's pga tournament, he is in the lead with one round to go. he will be back on top of the world ranking. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up.
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i'm jessica yellin, and this is cnn. we're deep into march madness, and as expected, some giants have already fallen. our sports contribute is here. good to see you. >> before we talk cinderella, i'm not a basketball fanatic, but why is this this time of year, i always want to just sit around the bar, watch the monitor, eat wings and drink beer? >> that's the american way. sit around and win money.
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>> i don't do money. we were just looking at, borda gulf coast university stole the spotlight by defeating georgetown, and harvard, wichita upset. are these upsets good for college basketball? >> let's put it this way. everybody in america right now, truth, justice and the american way, we've got to pull it tonight against lasalle, against florida gulf coast, all these teams. because in the short run, send rel las are good. in the long run, people pull for cinderella, but they don't want to pull cinderella. we had a final, wichita state and that hideous florida gulf coast, who would you fervently cheer for or who would you fervently cheer against? >> do you know what i mean?
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we can either hate or love. this is not good. >> you're right. do we have my graphics? we don't have them on a graphic. >> don, is it true you picked kentucky to win? >> no, i picked kansas. >> what'd you say? >> oh, we have them. can we put them up? okay. there they are. nobody can see that at home, can they? >> i see gonzaga. >> gonzaga's out. but i didn't do. i didn't do it. rex chapman did it. the former kentucky basketball player did mine for me. >> that's my kentucky's not in the tournament, because rex chapman used to play in kentucky. can't pick a tournament. >> wolf blitzer knows everything basketball. >> wow. do we have them? >> john king, ashleigh banfield,
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randy kay, chad meyers. i'm not even down there yet. fred, kate. >> this is not good. >> oh, my gosh. keep going. don lemon. >> this is passion week. this isn't about the first shall be last and the first shall be last. >> i'm going to get it. let's talk golf right now. tiger woods still leading the arnold palmer. why is he playing so well nowadays? >> it's two keys can. putting and personal. he's never putted better in his life. it goes back to earlier this month. let's get to the personal. three years ago we discovered that tiger was closer to being
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eddie haskal than cleaver. did you see that facebook? >> i did. to continue the leave it to beaver theme, it looked like june, cleaver, didn't it? >> it did. that's the new normal now. >> that's exactly right. >> america's new gordon and june. >> wally and beaver and all these guys. >> the first shall be last. thank you, terrin. coming up after a quick break, the album that defined a generation hit, find out how pink floyd fans -- i'm drinking -- try fixodent. it helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth